게시판 게시글에 미리 "name"님에 대해 문의 하셨습니다.라는 출력을 미리 화면에 보여 줄 수 있나요?


워드프레스(wordpress)의 초짜입니다.

기존의 wordpress에서 pricing Tables플러그인을 사용하여 가격표는 아니지만,

사람목록 리스트을 만들었습니다. 그리고 기존의 확인버튼 대신에 문의 버튼을 만들고 

문의를 누르면 KBoard의 게시판에 글 쓰기로 연결해 놓았습니다.

문의 버튼 선택시 게시판 화면에 미리 "name"에 대해 문의 하셨습니다. 라는 게시글을

미리 안에서 출력해 주고 싶습니다. 어떻게 해야 할지를 몰라서 이렇게 문의 드립니다.

소스를 어디로 어디를 손을 봐야 하는지 전혀 모르겠습니다.

고수님들의 도움 부탁 드립니다.

좋은 정보와 인맥을 동시에, 워드프레스 사용자 단톡방 참여하기
좋은 정보와 인맥을 동시에, 워드프레스 사용자 단톡방 참여하기
  • 안녕하세요.

    유료 기술지원 문의는 사이트 하단의 고객지원 페이지에 연락처가 있습니다.

    이메일로 보내주시면 되며, 내부 스케줄에 다라서 순차적으로 처리되고 있습니다.

    이메일 회신 보내드리겠습니다.



  • 네! 알겠습니다. 감사합니다.

    유료 기술지원은 어디에 문의 해야 되나요?

  • 게시판쪽 문제가 아니기 때문에 저희가 아주 디테일하게 도움을 드리기가 어렵습니다.

    가능하다면 유료 기술지원을 요청해주시겠어요?


  • 안녕하세요.


    이름과 링크 연결 방식이 기존의 Responsive Pricing Table 플러그인 입력 방식에서는  한 배열에 같이 들어가 있습니다.

    이름: '_rpt_title',  링크 연결'_rpt_btn_link',

    $fields_to_process = array(

    그래서 하기입력을 받아 진행 되고 있는것으로 보입니다.

                     <input class="dmb_field" type="text" name="plan_button_urls[]" value="<?php echo $plan['_rpt_btn_link']; ?>" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. http://site.com/product', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />



            /* Gets button data. */
                                if (!empty($plan['_rpt_btn_text'])){
                                    $btn_text =    $plan['_rpt_btn_text'];
                                    if (!empty($plan['_rpt_btn_link'])){
                                        $btn_link =    $plan['_rpt_btn_link'];
                                    } else { $btn_link = '#'; }
                                } else {
                                    $btn_text =    '';
                                    $btn_link = '#';


        /* Button. */
                (isset($_POST['plan_button_texts'][$i]) && $_POST['plan_button_texts'][$i]) ? $new_plans[$i]['_rpt_btn_text'] = stripslashes( wp_kses_post( $_POST['plan_button_texts'][$i] ) ) : $new_plans[$i]['_rpt_btn_text'] = '';
                (isset($_POST['plan_button_urls'][$i]) && $_POST['plan_button_urls'][$i]) ? $new_plans[$i]['_rpt_btn_link'] = wp_kses_post( $_POST['plan_button_urls'][$i] ) : $new_plans[$i]['_rpt_btn_link'] = '';
                (isset($_POST['plan_custom_buttons'][$i]) && $_POST['plan_custom_buttons'][$i]) ? $new_plans[$i]['_rpt_btn_custom_btn'] = balanceTags($_POST['plan_custom_buttons'][$i]) : $new_plans[$i]['_rpt_btn_custom_btn'] = '';
    말씀 해 주신대로 "문의하기" 버튼을 아래의 코드처럼 적용하라 하셨는데 Responsive Pricing Table 플러그인 소스는 상기처럼 적용되어 있어서 고수님께서 말씀해 주신 하기 처럼 적용하기가 난감해서

    다시 한번 더 염치없지만 문의 드립니다.

    이방식 말고 다른 방식으로 적용할 수 있는지 문의 드립니다.

    <a href="게시판 글쓰기 주소?test=<?php echo $plan['_rpt_title']?>">문의</a>


  • FTP로 접속해서 /wp-content/plugins/kboard/skin/사용중인스킨/editor.php 파일에

    아래의 코드를 찾아서

    <?php if($board->use_editor):?>
    	<?php wp_editor($content->content, 'kboard_content', array('media_buttons'=>$board->isAdmin(), 'editor_height'=>400))?>
    <?php else:?>
    	<textarea name="kboard_content" id="kboard_content"><?php echo $content->content?></textarea>
    <?php endif?>

    찾은 코드 위에 아래의 코드를 추가해보시겠어요?

    isset($_GET['test']) ? $test = $_GET['test'] : $test = '';
    	$test = $_GET['test'];
    		$content->content = $test . '에 대해 문의하셨습니다.';


  • 안녕하세요.


    바쁘신데 정말 죄송합니다. 그리고 먼저 너무나 감사드립니다.

    <a href="게시판 글쓰기 주소?test=<?php echo $plan['_rpt_title']?>">문의</a>

    먼저 게시판의 글쓰기 화면으로  가는것은 이해가 되는데,

    게시판에 테스트 입력 화면에 "name"에 대해 문의 주셨습니다." 라고

    테스트를 뿌려주는건 다른 방식이 아닌지 문의 드립니다.


    기존의  Easy Pricing Tables 입력 폼에는 URL주소만 입력되는 방식이라서 

    기존의 알려주신 방식외에 <a href="게시판 글쓰기 주소?test=<?php echo $plan['_rpt_title']?>">문의</a>

    이 방식외에 다른 방식으로 데이타 값을 화면에 출력할 수 있는 방법이 없는지도 문의 드립니다.


    고수님! 정말 바쁘신데, 자꾸 번거롭게 해 드려 정말 죄송합니다.

    이 문제 때문에 계속 삽질 중이라서.. 또한, 저에게 답변 주시는분이 고수님이 유일하십니다. TT

    정말 감사합니다.

  • 네! 알겠습니다. 

    기존의 Responsive Pricing Table 플러그인으로 테스트 해 보고 있습니다.

    설치 주소는 \wp-content\plugins\dk-pricr-responsive-pricing-table\inc\ rpt-metaboxes-plans.php 파일을 보고 있습니다.


  • 저희가 pricing Tables 플러그인을 설치하여 테스트해보지 않아서

    정확한 답변을 드리긴 어렵습니다.

    만약 문의 버튼을 코드 어느 부분에서 출력하는지 찾으실 수 있다면

    위에 안내해드린 코드를 적용하시면 될 듯합니다.

    시간적 여유가 된다면 직접 테스트해보고 안내해드리겠습니다.

  • 안녕하세요!

    고수님! 그림을 붙여 넣을 수 가 없네요.

    게시판에서 글쓰기 누르면

    바로 뜨는 글쓰기는 화면 부분입니다.

    문자열을 넣고자 하는 부분은 

    게시판 글쓰기의 제목과 옵션 밑에 있는 글쓰기 첫번째 열 부분입니다.




    바쁜신데 죄송합니다.

    설명을 드리고자 이 곳에 자세하게 개시해 놓았습니다.



  • 안녕하세요.

    "기존의 확인버튼 대신에 문의 버튼을 만들고

    문의를 누르면 Kboard의 게시판에 글 쓰기로 연결해 놓았습니다."라고 말씀하셨는데

    KBoard 게시판 글쓰기로 연결한 곳은 어느 부분인지요?


    문의하기 버튼을 아래의 코드처럼 적용하신 후에

    <a href="게시판 글쓰기 주소?test=<?php echo $plan['_rpt_title']?>">문의</a>


    FTP로 접속해서 /wp-content/plugins/kboard/skin/사용중인스킨/editor.php 파일에

    아래의 코드를 적절한 위치에 추가해보세요.

    <?php if(isset($_GET['test'])): echo $_GET['test'] . '에 대해 문의하셨습니다.'; endif?>


  • 안녕하세요.


    <?php if(isset($_GET['_rpt_title'])): echo $_GET['_rpt_title'] . '에 대해 문의하셨습니다.'; endif?>

    FTP로 접속해서 /wp-content/plugins/kboard/skin/customer/editor.php 파일에

    적응해 보려 하는데 어느 부분에 넣어야 할지 몰라서요.

    텍스트란 첫줄에서 출력하려고 합니다. 



    <div id="kboard-customer-editor">
    	<form class="kboard-form" method="post" action="<?php echo $url->getContentEditorExecute()?>" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return kboard_editor_execute(this);">
    		<?php wp_nonce_field('kboard-editor-execute', 'kboard-editor-execute-nonce')?>
    		<input type="hidden" name="action" value="kboard_editor_execute">
    		<input type="hidden" name="mod" value="editor">
    		<input type="hidden" name="uid" value="<?php echo $content->uid?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="board_id" value="<?php echo $content->board_id?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="parent_uid" value="<?php echo $content->parent_uid?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="member_uid" value="<?php echo $content->member_uid?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="member_display" value="<?php echo $content->member_display?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="date" value="<?php echo $content->date?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="<?php echo get_current_user_id()?>">
    		<div class="kboard-attr-row kboard-attr-title">
    			<label class="attr-name" for="kboard-input-title"><?php echo __('Title', 'kboard')?></label>
    			<div class="attr-value"><input type="text" id="kboard-input-title" name="title" value="<?php echo $content->title?>" placeholder="<?php echo __('Title', 'kboard')?>..."></div>
    		<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    			<div class="attr-name"><?php echo __('Options', 'kboard')?></div>
    			<div class="attr-value">
    				<label class="attr-value-option"><input type="checkbox" name="secret" value="true" onchange="kboard_toggle_password_field(this)"<?php if($content->secret):?> checked<?php endif?>> <?php echo __('Secret', 'kboard')?></label>
    				<?php if($board->isAdmin()):?>
    				<label class="attr-value-option"><input type="checkbox" name="notice" value="true"<?php if($content->notice):?> checked<?php endif?>> <?php echo __('Notice', 'kboard')?></label>
    				<?php endif?>
    		<?php if($board->use_category):?>
    			<?php if($board->initCategory1()):?>
    			<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    				<label class="attr-name" for="kboard-select-category1"><?php echo __('Category', 'kboard')?>1</label>
    				<div class="attr-value">
    					<select id="kboard-select-category1" name="category1">
    						<option value=""><?php echo __('Category', 'kboard')?> <?php echo __('Select', 'kboard')?></option>
    						<?php while($board->hasNextCategory()):?>
    						<option value="<?php echo $board->currentCategory()?>"<?php if($content->category1 == $board->currentCategory()):?> selected<?php endif?>><?php echo $board->currentCategory()?></option>
    						<?php endwhile?>
    			<?php endif?>
    			<?php if($board->initCategory2()):?>
    			<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    				<label class="attr-name" for="kboard-select-category2"><?php echo __('Category', 'kboard')?>2</label>
    				<div class="attr-value">
    					<select id="kboard-select-category2" name="category2">
    						<option value=""><?php echo __('Category', 'kboard')?> <?php echo __('Select', 'kboard')?></option>
    						<?php while($board->hasNextCategory()):?>
    						<option value="<?php echo $board->currentCategory()?>"<?php if($content->category2 == $board->currentCategory()):?> selected<?php endif?>><?php echo $board->currentCategory()?></option>
    						<?php endwhile?>
    			<?php endif?>
    		<?php endif?>
    		<?php if($board->viewUsernameField()):?>
    		<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    			<label class="attr-name" for="kboard-input-member-display"><?php echo __('Author', 'kboard')?></label>
    			<div class="attr-value"><input type="text" id="kboard-input-member-display" name="member_display" value="<?php echo $content->member_display?>" placeholder="<?php echo __('Author', 'kboard')?>..."></div>
    		<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    			<label class="attr-name" for="kboard-input-password"><?php echo __('Password', 'kboard')?></label>
    			<div class="attr-value"><input type="password" id="kboard-input-password" name="password" value="<?php echo $content->password?>" placeholder="<?php echo __('Password', 'kboard')?>..."></div>
    		<?php else:?>
    		<input style="display:none" type="text" name="fake-autofill-fields">
    		<input style="display:none" type="password" name="fake-autofill-fields">
    		<!-- 비밀글 비밀번호 필드 시작 -->
    		<div class="kboard-attr-row secret-password-row"<?php if(!$content->secret):?> style="display:none"<?php endif?>>
    			<label class="attr-name" for="kboard-input-password"><?php echo __('Password', 'kboard')?></label>
    			<div class="attr-value"><input type="password" id="kboard-input-password" name="password" value="<?php echo $content->password?>" placeholder="<?php echo __('Password', 'kboard')?>..."></div>
    		<!-- 비밀글 비밀번호 필드 끝 -->
    		<?php endif?>
    		<?php if($board->useCAPTCHA() && !$content->uid):?>
    			<?php if(kboard_use_recaptcha()):?>
    				<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    					<label class="attr-name"></label>
    					<div class="attr-value"><div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="<?php echo kboard_recaptcha_site_key()?>"></div></div>
    			<?php else:?>
    				<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    					<label class="attr-name" for="kboard-input-captcha"><img src="<?php echo kboard_captcha()?>" alt=""></label>
    					<div class="attr-value"><input type="text" id="kboard-input-captcha" name="captcha" value="" placeholder="<?php echo __('CAPTCHA', 'kboard')?>..."></div>
    			<?php endif?>
    		<?php endif?>
    		<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    			<label class="attr-name" for="kboard-input-option-name"><?php echo __('Name', 'kboard')?></label>
    			<div class="attr-value"><input type="text" id="kboard-input-option-name" name="kboard_option_name" value="<?php echo $content->option->name?>" placeholder="<?php echo __('Name', 'kboard')?>..."></div>
    		<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    			<label class="attr-name" for="kboard-input-option-tel"><?php echo __('Phone number', 'kboard')?></label>
    			<div class="attr-value"><input type="text" id="kboard-input-option-tel" name="kboard_option_tel" value="<?php echo $content->option->tel?>" placeholder="<?php echo __('Phone number', 'kboard')?>..."></div>
    		<div class="kboard-content">
    			<?php if($board->use_editor):?>
    				<?php wp_editor($content->content, 'kboard_content', array('media_buttons'=>$board->isAdmin(), 'editor_height'=>400))?>
    			<?php else:?>
    				<textarea name="kboard_content" id="kboard_content"><?php echo $content->content?></textarea>
    			<?php endif?>
    		<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    			<label class="attr-name"><?php echo __('Photos', 'kboard')?></label>
    			<div class="attr-value">
    				<a href="#" onclick="kboard_editor_open_media();return false;"><?php echo __('KBoard Add Media', 'kboard')?></a>
    		<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    			<label class="attr-name" for="kboard-input-thumbnail"><?php echo __('Thumbnail', 'kboard')?></label>
    			<div class="attr-value">
    				<?php if($content->thumbnail_file):?><?php echo $content->thumbnail_name?> - <a href="<?php echo $url->getDeleteURLWithAttach($content->uid);?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure you want to delete?', 'kboard')?>');"><?php echo __('Delete file', 'kboard')?></a><?php endif?>
    				<input type="file" id="kboard-input-thumbnail" name="thumbnail" accept="image/*">
    		<?php if($board->meta->max_attached_count > 0):?>
    			<!-- 첨부파일 시작 -->
    			<?php for($attached_index=1; $attached_index<=$board->meta->max_attached_count; $attached_index++):?>
    			<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    				<label class="attr-name" for="kboard-input-file<?php echo $attached_index?>"><?php echo __('Attachment', 'kboard')?><?php echo $attached_index?></label>
    				<div class="attr-value">
    					<?php if(isset($content->attach->{"file{$attached_index}"})):?><?php echo $content->attach->{"file{$attached_index}"}[1]?> - <a href="<?php echo $url->getDeleteURLWithAttach($content->uid, "file{$attached_index}")?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure you want to delete?', 'kboard')?>');"><?php echo __('Delete file', 'kboard')?></a><?php endif?>
    					<input type="file" id="kboard-input-file<?php echo $attached_index?>" name="kboard_attach_file<?php echo $attached_index?>">
    			<?php endfor?>
    			<!-- 첨부파일 끝 -->
    		<?php endif?>
    		<div class="kboard-attr-row">
    			<label class="attr-name" for="kboard-select-wordpress-search"><?php echo __('WP Search', 'kboard')?></label>
    			<div class="attr-value">
    				<select id="kboard-select-wordpress-search" name="wordpress_search">
    					<option value="1"<?php if($content->search == '1'):?> selected<?php endif?>><?php echo __('Public', 'kboard')?></option>
    					<option value="2"<?php if($content->search == '2'):?> selected<?php endif?>><?php echo __('Only title (secret document)', 'kboard')?></option>
    					<option value="3"<?php if($content->search == '3'):?> selected<?php endif?>><?php echo __('Exclusion', 'kboard')?></option>
    		<div class="kboard-control">
    			<div class="left">
    				<?php if($content->uid):?>
    				<a href="<?php echo $url->set('uid', $content->uid)->set('mod', 'document')->toString()?>" class="kboard-customer-button-small"><?php echo __('Back', 'kboard')?></a>
    				<a href="<?php echo $url->set('mod', 'list')->toString()?>" class="kboard-customer-button-small"><?php echo __('List', 'kboard')?></a>
    				<?php else:?>
    				<a href="<?php echo $url->set('mod', 'list')->toString()?>" class="kboard-customer-button-small"><?php echo __('Back', 'kboard')?></a>
    				<?php endif?>
    			<div class="right">
    				<?php if($board->isWriter()):?>
    				<button type="submit" class="kboard-customer-button-small"><?php echo __('Save', 'kboard')?></button>
    				<?php endif?>
    <?php wp_enqueue_script('kboard-customer-script', "{$skin_path}/script.js", array(), KBOARD_VERSION, true)?>
  • 안녕하세요.

    전문가님께서 말씀 해 주신 대로

    아래의 코드로 실제 값이 표시되는지 확인해보시겠어요?

    <?php echo $plan['_rpt_title']; ?>

    코드를 삽입 했습니다.

    기존 코드에서 화면이 출력되는 것을 확인했습니다.

    이것을 어떻게 게시판의 게시란에 출력될 수 있게 할 수 있는지 문의 드립니다.

    이 코드를 FTP로 접속해서 /wp-content/plugins/kboard/skin/사용중인스킨/editor.php 파일에

    아래의 코드를 적절한 위치에 추가해보면 되는 건가요?


    하기는 원본 코드입니다.

    /* Defines highlight select options. */
    function dmb_rpts_is_highlight_plan_options() {
    	$options = array ( __('Disabled', RPT_TXTDM ) => 'no', __('Enabled', RPT_TXTDM ) => 'yes' );
    	return $options;
    /* Defines currency select options. */
    function dmb_rpts_is_currency_options() {
    	$options = array ( __('Show', RPT_TXTDM ) => 'no', __('Hide', RPT_TXTDM ) => 'yes' );
    	return $options;
    /* Hooks the metabox. */
    add_action('admin_init', 'dmb_rpts_add_plan', 1);
    function dmb_rpts_add_plan() {
    		'<span class="dashicons dashicons-edit"></span> '.__('Pricing table', RPT_TXTDM ), 
    		'dmb_rpts_plan_display', // Below
    /* Displays the metabox. */
    function dmb_rpts_plan_display() {
    	global $post;
    	/* Gets plan data. */
    	$pricing_table = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_plan_group', true );
    	$fields_to_process = array(
    	/* Retrieves select options. */
    	$is_highlight_plan_options = dmb_rpts_is_highlight_plan_options();
    	$is_currency_plan_options = dmb_rpts_is_currency_options();
    	wp_nonce_field( 'dmb_rpts_meta_box_nonce', 'dmb_rpts_meta_box_nonce' ); ?>
    	<div id="dmb_preview_table">
    		<!-- Add row button -->
    		<a class="dmb_preview_button dmb_preview_table_close" href="#">
    			<?php _e('Close preview', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    	<!-- Toolbar for plan metabox -->
    	<div class="dmb_toolbar">
    		<div class="dmb_toolbar_inner">
    			<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_expand_plans" href="#"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-expand"></span> <?php _e('Expand all', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    			<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_collapse_plans" href="#"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-contract"></span> <?php _e('Collapse all', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    			<a class="dmb_show_preview_table dmb_preview_button"><span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-appearance"></span> <?php _e('Instant preview', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>&nbsp;</a>
    			<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    	<?php if ( $pricing_table ) {	
    		/* Loops through plans. */
    		foreach ( $pricing_table as $pricing_plan ) {
    			/* Retrieves each field for current plan. */
    			$plan = array();
    			foreach ( $fields_to_process as $field) {
    				switch ($field) {
    					case '_rpt_recommended':
    						// Moving to new framework.
    						$plan[$field] = ( !isset($pricing_plan[$field]) || ($pricing_plan[$field] != 'on' && $pricing_plan[$field] != 'yes')) ? 'no' : 'yes';
    					case '_rpt_free':
    						// Moving to new framework.
    						$plan[$field] = ( !isset($pricing_plan[$field]) || ($pricing_plan[$field] != 'on' && $pricing_plan[$field] != 'yes')) ? 'no' : 'yes';
    						$plan[$field] = ( isset($pricing_plan[$field]) ) ? esc_attr($pricing_plan[$field]) : '';
    			<!-- START plan -->
    			<div class="dmb_main">
    				<!-- plan handle bar -->
    				<div class="dmb_handle">
    						<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_move_row_up" href="#" title="Move up"><span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2"></span></a>
    						<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_move_row_down" href="#" title="Move down"><span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-down-alt2"></span></a>
    						<div class="dmb_handle_title"></div>
    						<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_remove_row_btn" href="#" title="Remove"><span class="dashicons dashicons-no-alt"></span></a>
    						<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_clone_row" href="#" title="Clone"><span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-page"></span><?php _e('Clone', RPT_TXTDM ); ?></a>
    						<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    				<!-- START inner -->
    				<div class="dmb_inner">
    					<div class="dmb_section_title">
    						<?php _e('Header', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    					<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_40 dmb_grid_first">
    						<div class="dmb_field_title">
    							<?php _e('Title', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    						<input class="dmb_big_field dmb_highlight_field dmb_title_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_titles[]" value="<?php echo $plan['_rpt_title']; ?>" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. Platinum', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    					<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_60 dmb_grid_last">
    						<div class="dmb_field_title">
    							<?php _e('Subtitle', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    						<input class="dmb_big_field dmb_subtitle_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_subtitles[]" value="<?php echo $plan['_rpt_subtitle']; ?>" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. Our best deal', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    					<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_60 dmb_grid_first">
    						<div class="dmb_field_title">
    							<?php _e('Short description', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    						<input class="dmb_field dmb_description_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_descriptions[]" value="<?php echo $plan['_rpt_description']; ?>" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. This plan is suitable for small companies', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    					<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_20">
    						<div class="dmb_field_title">
    							<?php _e('Price', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    						<input class="dmb_field dmb_price_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_prices[]" value="<?php echo $plan['_rpt_price']; ?>" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. 9', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    					<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_20 dmb_grid_last">
    						<div class="dmb_field_title">
    							<?php _e('Frequency', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    						<input class="dmb_field dmb_recurrence_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_recurrences[]" value="<?php echo $plan['_rpt_recurrence']; ?>" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. monthly', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    					<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    					<!-- Plan features -->
    					<div class="dmb_section_title">
    						<?php _e('Features', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    					<textarea class="dmb_feature_dump dmb_features_of_plan" name="plan_features[]"><?php echo $plan['_rpt_features']; ?></textarea>
    					<div class="dmb_tip">
    							// Feature tips
    							$dmb_image_tip = "<a class='dmb_tooltip_large' data-tooltip='<img src=\"http://yoursite.com/media/image.png\"/>'>[?]</a>";
    							$dmb_link_tip = "<a class='dmb_tooltip_large' data-tooltip='<a href=\"http://yoursite.com\">Click here</a>'>[?]</a>";
    							$dmb_bold_text_tip = "<a class='dmb_tooltip_small' data-tooltip=\"<strong>Bold</strong>\">[?]</a>";
    								/* translators: 1: image tooltip 2: link tooltip 3: bold text tooltip (leave at the end) */
    								'<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span>'.__( 'Images %1$s, links %2$s and bold text %3$s are allowed in the feature fields.', RPT_TXTDM ),
    						<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span><?php _e( 'Show some features as unavailable by adding \'-n\' before, e.g. \'-nMy feature\'.', RPT_TXTDM ); ?>	
    					<div class="dmb_features"></div>
    					<a class="dmb_small_button_primary dmb_add_feature" href="#">
    						<span class="dashicons dashicons-plus"></span> 
    						<?php _e('Add feature', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>&nbsp;
    					<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    					<!-- Plan button -->
    					<div class="dmb_button_text dmb_grid dmb_grid_50 dmb_grid_first">
    						<div class="dmb_section_title">
    							<?php _e('Standard button', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    						<div class="dmb_field_title">
    							<?php _e('Button text', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    						<input class="dmb_field dmb_button_text_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_button_texts[]" value="<?php echo $plan['_rpt_btn_text']; ?>" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. Subscribe', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    						<div class="dmb_field_title">
    							<?php _e('Button URL', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    						<input class="dmb_field" type="text" name="plan_button_urls[]" value="<?php echo $plan['_rpt_btn_link']; ?>" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. http://site.com/product', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    					<div class="dmb_custom_button dmb_grid dmb_grid_50 dmb_grid_last">
    						<div class="dmb_section_title">
    							<?php _e('Custom button', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    						<div class="dmb_field_title">
    							<?php _e('Add custom code here', RPT_TXTDM ) ?> 
    							<a class="dmb_inline_tip dmb_tooltip_large" data-tooltip="<?php _e('Use the custom button field when you have code snippets/shortcodes from third party services/plugins that generate buttons. You could also use any HTML here such as an anchor tag. Custom buttons overwrite standard buttons.', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>">[?]</a>
    						<textarea class="dmb_field dmb_custom_button_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_custom_buttons[]" placeholder="<?php _e('Insert any code here to replace the standard button (e.g. Paypal/Stripe snippet, custom HTML...).', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>"><?php echo $plan['_rpt_btn_custom_btn']; ?></textarea>
    					<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    					<!-- Styling -->
    					<div class="dmb_section_title"><?php _e('Styling', RPT_TXTDM ) ?></div>
    					<div class=" dmb_grid dmb_grid_20 dmb_grid_first">
    						<div class="dmb_field_title">
    							<?php _e('Highlight plan', RPT_TXTDM ) ?> 
    							<a class="dmb_inline_tip" data-tooltip="<?php _e('Highlight a plan to make it stand out from the rest.', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>">[?]</a>
    						<select class="dmb_switch_recommended" name="are_recommended_plans[]">
    							<?php foreach ( $is_highlight_plan_options as $label => $value ) { ?>
    							<option value="<?php echo $value; ?>"<?php selected( $plan['_rpt_recommended'], $value ); ?>><?php echo $label; ?></option>
    							<?php } ?>
    					<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_20">
    						<div class="dmb_field_title">
    							<?php _e('Show/hide currency', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    						<select class="dmb_switch_free" name="are_removed_currencies[]">
    							<?php foreach ( $is_currency_plan_options as $label => $value ) { ?>
    							<option value="<?php echo $value; ?>"<?php selected( $plan['_rpt_free'], $value ); ?>><?php echo $label; ?></option>
    							<?php } ?>
    					<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_25">
    						<div class="dmb_field_title">
    							<?php _e('CSS classes', RPT_TXTDM ) ?> 
    							<a class="dmb_inline_tip dmb_tooltip_medium" data-tooltip="<?php _e('Add your CSS classes, separated by spaces.', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>">[?]</a>
    						<input class="dmb_field" type="text" name="plan_custom_classes[]" value="<?php echo $plan['_rpt_custom_classes']; ?>" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. class more-class', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    					<div class="dmb_color_box dmb_grid dmb_grid_35 dmb_grid_last">
    						<div class="dmb_field_title">
    							<?php _e('Color', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    						<input class="dmb_color_picker dmb_field dmb_color_of_plan" name="plan_colors[]" type="text" value="<?php echo $plan['_rpt_color']; ?>" />
    					<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    					<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_35 dmb_grid_first dmb_grid_last">
    						<div class="dmb_field_title dmb_icon_data_url" data-icon="<?php echo $plan['_rpt_icon']; ?>"></div>
    						<input class="dmb_field dmb_icon_field" name="plan_icons[]" type="text" value="" />
    						<div class="dmb_upload_icon_btn dmb_small_button_primary">
    							<span class="dashicons dashicons-upload"></span> 
    							<?php _e('Upload icon', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>&nbsp;
    					<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>						
    				<!-- END inner -->
    			<!-- END plan -->
    	} ?>
    	<!-- START empty plan -->
    	<div class="dmb_main dmb_empty_plan" style="display:none;">
    		<!-- plan handle bar -->
    		<div class="dmb_handle">
    				<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_move_row_up" href="#" title="Move up"><span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2"></span></a>
    				<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_move_row_down" href="#" title="Move down"><span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-down-alt2"></span></a>
    				<div class="dmb_handle_title"></div>
    				<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_remove_row_btn" href="#" title="Remove"><span class="dashicons dashicons-no-alt"></span></a>
    				<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_clone_row" href="#" title="Clone"><span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-page"></span><?php _e('Clone', RPT_TXTDM ); ?></a>
    				<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    		<!-- START inner -->
    		<div class="dmb_inner">
    			<div class="dmb_section_title">
    				<?php _e('Header', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    			<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_40 dmb_grid_first">
    				<div class="dmb_field_title">
    					<?php _e('Title', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    				<input class="dmb_big_field dmb_highlight_field dmb_title_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_titles[]" value="" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. Platinum', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    			<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_60 dmb_grid_last">
    				<div class="dmb_field_title">
    					<?php _e('Subtitle', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    				<input class="dmb_big_field dmb_subtitle_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_subtitles[]" value="" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. Our best deal', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    			<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_60 dmb_grid_first">
    				<div class="dmb_field_title">
    					<?php _e('Description', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    				<input class="dmb_field dmb_description_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_descriptions[]" value="" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. This plan is suitable for small companies.', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    			<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_20">
    				<div class="dmb_field_title">
    					<?php _e('Price', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    				<input class="dmb_field dmb_price_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_prices[]" value="" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. 9', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    			<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_20 dmb_grid_last">
    				<div class="dmb_field_title">
    					<?php _e('Frequency', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    				<input class="dmb_field dmb_recurrence_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_recurrences[]" value="" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. monthly', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    			<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    			<!-- Plan features -->
    			<div class="dmb_section_title"><?php _e('Features', RPT_TXTDM ) ?></div>
    			<textarea class="emptyDump dmb_features_of_plan" name="plan_features[]"></textarea>
    			<div class="dmb_tip">
    					// Feature tips
    					$dmb_image_tip = "<a class='dmb_tooltip_large' data-tooltip='<img src=\"http://yoursite.com/media/image.png\"/>'>[?]</a>";
    					$dmb_link_tip = "<a class='dmb_tooltip_large' data-tooltip='<a href=\"http://yoursite.com\">Click here</a>'>[?]</a>";
    					$dmb_bold_text_tip = "<a class='dmb_tooltip_small' data-tooltip=\"<strong>Bold</strong>\">[?]</a>";
    						/* translators: 1: image tooltip 2: link tooltip 3: bold text tooltip (leave at the end) */
    						'<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span>'.__( 'Images %1$s, links %2$s and bold text %3$s are allowed in the feature fields.', RPT_TXTDM ),
    				<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span><?php _e( 'Show some features as unavailable by adding \'-n\' before, e.g. \'-nMy feature\'.', RPT_TXTDM ); ?>	
    			<div class="dmb_features"></div>
    			<a class="dmb_small_button_primary dmb_add_feature" href="#">
    				<span class="dashicons dashicons-plus"></span> 
    				<?php _e('Add feature', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>&nbsp;
    			<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    			<!-- Plan button -->
    			<div class="dmb_button_text dmb_grid dmb_grid_50 dmb_grid_first">
    				<div class="dmb_section_title">
    					<?php _e('Standard button', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    				<div class="dmb_field_title">
    					<?php _e('Button text', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    				<input class="dmb_field dmb_button_text_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_button_texts[]" value="" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. Subscribe', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    				<div class="dmb_field_title">
    					<?php _e('Button URL', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    				<input class="dmb_field" type="text" name="plan_button_urls[]" value="" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. http://site.com/product', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    			<div class="dmb_custom_button dmb_grid dmb_grid_50 dmb_grid_last">
    				<div class="dmb_section_title">
    					<?php _e('Custom button', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    				<div class="dmb_field_title">
    					<?php _e('Add custom code here', RPT_TXTDM ) ?> 
    					<a class="dmb_inline_tip dmb_tooltip_large" data-tooltip="<?php _e('Use the custom button field when you have code snippets/shortcodes from third party services/plugins that generate buttons. You could also use any HTML here such as an anchor tag. Custom buttons overwrite standard buttons', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>">[?]</a>
    				<textarea class="dmb_field dmb_custom_button_of_plan" type="text" name="plan_custom_buttons[]" placeholder="<?php _e('Insert any code here to replace the standard button (e.g. Paypal/Stripe snippet, custom HTML...).', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>"></textarea>
    			<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    			<!-- Plan styling -->
    			<div class="dmb_section_title"><?php _e('Styling', RPT_TXTDM ) ?></div>
    			<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_20 dmb_grid_first">
    				<div class="dmb_field_title">
    					<?php _e('Highlight plan', RPT_TXTDM ) ?> 
    					<a class="dmb_inline_tip" data-tooltip="<?php _e('Highlight a plan to make it stand out from the rest.', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>">[?]</a>
    				<select class="dmb_switch_recommended" name="are_recommended_plans[]">
    					<?php foreach ( $is_highlight_plan_options as $label => $value ) { ?>
    					<option value="<?php echo $value; ?>"><?php echo $label; ?></option>
    					<?php } ?>
    			<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_20">
    				<div class="dmb_field_title">
    					<?php _e('Show/hide currency', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    				<select class="dmb_switch_free" name="are_removed_currencies[]">
    					<?php foreach ( $is_currency_plan_options as $label => $value ) { ?>
    					<option value="<?php echo $value; ?>"><?php echo $label; ?></option>
    					<?php } ?>
    			<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_25">
    				<div class="dmb_field_title">
    					<?php _e('CSS classes', RPT_TXTDM ) ?> 
    					<a class="dmb_inline_tip dmb_tooltip_medium" data-tooltip="<?php _e('Add your CSS classes, separated by spaces.', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>">[?]</a>
    				<input class="dmb_field" type="text" name="plan_custom_classes[]" value="" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. class more-class', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>" />
    			<div class="dmb_color_box dmb_grid dmb_grid_35 dmb_grid_last" style="position:relative;">
    				<div class="dmb_field_title">
    					<?php _e('Color', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    				<input class="dmb_color_picker_ready dmb_field dmb_color_of_plan" name="plan_colors[]" type="text" value="" />
    			<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    			<div class="dmb_grid dmb_grid_35 dmb_grid_first dmb_grid_last">
    				<div class="dmb_field_title dmb_icon_data_url" data-icon=""></div>
    				<input class="dmb_field dmb_icon_field" name="plan_icons[]" type="text" value="" />
    				<div class="dmb_upload_icon_btn dmb_small_button_primary">
    					<span class="dashicons dashicons-upload"></span> <?php _e('Upload icon', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>&nbsp;
    			<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    		<!-- END inner -->
    	<!-- END empty plan -->
    	<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    	<!-- Empty feature -->
    	<div class="empty-feature dmb_feature" style="display:none;">
    		<input class="dmb_field dmb_feature_field" type="text" value="" />
    		<a class="dmb_remove_feature_btn" class="button" href="#">
    			<span class="dashicons dashicons-no-alt"></span>
    	<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div> 
    	<div class="dmb_no_plan_notice">
    		<?php /* translators: Leave HTML tags */ _e('Create your pricing table by <strong>adding plans</strong> to it.<br/>Click the button below to get started.', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    	<!-- Add row button -->
    	<a class="dmb_big_button_primary dmb_add_row" href="#">
    		<span class="dashicons dashicons-plus"></span> 
    		<?php _e('Add a pricing plan', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>&nbsp;
    <?php }
  • 안녕하세요.
    먼저 답변 주셔서 감사드립니다.
    확인해 보니 
    $fields_to_process = array(  '_rpt_title',
    '_rep_title' =>이 값만 따로 뽑아서 게시판에 계시란에 출력줄 수 있는 방법이 없나요?
    하기는 관련 소스입니다.
    /* Defines highlight select options. */
    function dmb_rpts_is_highlight_plan_options() {
    	$options = array ( __('Disabled', RPT_TXTDM ) => 'no', __('Enabled', RPT_TXTDM ) => 'yes' );
    	return $options;
    /* Defines currency select options. */
    function dmb_rpts_is_currency_options() {
    	$options = array ( __('Show', RPT_TXTDM ) => 'no', __('Hide', RPT_TXTDM ) => 'yes' );
    	return $options;
    /* Hooks the metabox. */
    add_action('admin_init', 'dmb_rpts_add_plan', 1);
    function dmb_rpts_add_plan() {
    		'<span class="dashicons dashicons-edit"></span> '.__('Pricing table', RPT_TXTDM ), 
    		'dmb_rpts_plan_display', // Below
    /* Displays the metabox. */
    function dmb_rpts_plan_display() {
    	global $post;
    	/* Gets plan data. */
    	$pricing_table = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_plan_group', true );
    	$fields_to_process = array(
    	/* Retrieves select options. */
    	$is_highlight_plan_options = dmb_rpts_is_highlight_plan_options();
    	$is_currency_plan_options = dmb_rpts_is_currency_options();
    	wp_nonce_field( 'dmb_rpts_meta_box_nonce', 'dmb_rpts_meta_box_nonce' ); ?>
    	<div id="dmb_preview_table">
    		<!-- Add row button -->
    		<a class="dmb_preview_button dmb_preview_table_close" href="#">
    			<?php _e('Close preview', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>
    	<!-- Toolbar for plan metabox -->
    	<div class="dmb_toolbar">
    		<div class="dmb_toolbar_inner">
    			<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_expand_plans" href="#"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-expand"></span> <?php _e('Expand all', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    			<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_collapse_plans" href="#"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-contract"></span> <?php _e('Collapse all', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    			<a class="dmb_show_preview_table dmb_preview_button"><span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-appearance"></span> <?php _e('Instant preview', RPT_TXTDM ) ?>&nbsp;</a>
    			<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
    	<?php if ( $pricing_table ) {	
    		/* Loops through plans. */
    		foreach ( $pricing_table as $pricing_plan ) {
    			/* Retrieves each field for current plan. */
    			$plan = array();
    			foreach ( $fields_to_process as $field) {
    				switch ($field) {
    					case '_rpt_recommended':
    						// Moving to new framework.
    						$plan[$field] = ( !isset($pricing_plan[$field]) || ($pricing_plan[$field] != 'on' && $pricing_plan[$field] != 'yes')) ? 'no' : 'yes';
    					case '_rpt_free':
    						// Moving to new framework.
    						$plan[$field] = ( !isset($pricing_plan[$field]) || ($pricing_plan[$field] != 'on' && $pricing_plan[$field] != 'yes')) ? 'no' : 'yes';
    						$plan[$field] = ( isset($pricing_plan[$field]) ) ? esc_attr($pricing_plan[$field]) : '';
    			<!-- START plan -->
    			<div class="dmb_main">
    				<!-- plan handle bar -->
    				<div class="dmb_handle">
    						<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_move_row_up" href="#" title="Move up"><span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2"></span></a>
    						<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_move_row_down" href="#" title="Move down"><span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-down-alt2"></span></a>
    						<div class="dmb_handle_title"></div>
    						<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_remove_row_btn" href="#" title="Remove"><span class="dashicons dashicons-no-alt"></span></a>
    						<a class="dmb_big_button_secondary dmb_clone_row" href="#" title="Clone"><span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-page"></span><?php _e('Clone', RPT_TXTDM ); ?></a>
    						<div class="dmb_clearfix"></div>
  • 아래의 코드로 실제 값이 표시되는지 확인해보시겠어요?

    <?php echo $plan['_rpt_title']; ?>


  • 안녕하세요~^^

    말씀하신 "name"의 값을 받을 수 있는지요?

    문의 버튼이 <a> 태그로 되어있다면

    아래의 코드처럼 교체해보시겠어요?

    <a href="게시판 글쓰기 주소?test=name">문의</a>

    위 코드에서 "게시판 글쓰기 주소" 부분에는 말씀하신 실제 게시판 글쓰기 주소로 수정해보세요.

    "name" 부분은 말씀하신 name의 값을 넣으시면 됩니다.


    FTP로 접속해서 /wp-content/plugins/kboard/skin/사용중인스킨/editor.php 파일에

    아래의 코드를 적절한 위치에 추가해보세요.

    <?php if(isset($_GET['test'])): echo $_GET['test'] . '에 대해 문의하셨습니다.'; endif?>


    위 코드들에 있는 test 부분을 사이트에 맞게 적절히 수정 후 적용해보세요.


워드프레스 에러 기술지원 서비스 전문가에게 맡기세요